Ephesians 6:10-18 says,"Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with His mighty strength! Use all the armour and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary. For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing. Therefore, stand! Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist, put on righteousness for a breastplate, and wear on your feet readiness that comes from the Good News of Shalom. Always carry the shield of trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One. And take the helmet of deliverance; along with the sword given by the Spirit, that is, the Word of God. As you pray, at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests, in the spirit, vigilantly and persistently for all God's people."
Clearly, if we were called by the name of Christ, we are most definitely in a war. God has equipped us to put the Enemy under our feet every day. Our pastor has been doing a series on spiritual warfare, and he brought up the question: "When can you know when to flee and when to fight?"
This brought me directly back to the story of Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. Christian and his friend, Hopeful were seemingly in a hopeless situation. Locked inside Doubting Castle, being starved and tortured by the giant named Despair (and his even more malevolent wife named Diffidence
Now on to my favorite: the fighting!
Fast forward in the story...Christian has already made it to Paradise. An invitation is sent to his wife and sons to make the same journey. They accept and start along their own dangerous journey. Along the way, they got a guide named Mr. Great Heart. So eventually, they all came to Doubting Castle, read the warning, and considered what to do. Mr. Great Heart said,"Have I not been commanded to fight the good fight? And with whom should I fight if not the Giant Despair? So who will go with me?" Christian's sons said,"We will!" The boys brought him to the ground with slings and stones and Mr. Great Heart was the death of him. After that, they cut down Diffidence and buried them both under a heap of stones. After the giants were slain, they destroyed the castle. It took them seven days to tear it down. They saved two prisoners alive named Mr. Despondency, and Much Afraid (his daughter). These two they saved alive, but you would marvel to see how full of bones the castle was.
So, to sum this all up, You're going to have to follow whichever way the Holy Spirit is leading you to know whether to flee or to fight. Just remember that the promises of God are keys to unlock you from any form of darkness. The Sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God) can cut through any enemy. I'm using a lot of analogy here, but I think it's pretty easy to tell if you're in a prison or not. I know I used to be in one, and God set me free. He used people like Mr. Great Heart. I also think the boys with the slings is a powerful analogy, too. Even boys that act in faith can knock over giants. But it takes a man who knows how to wield the Sword of the Spirit to kill the giant. So whether you're the one trapped, or the one that God called to set others free, the answer is always in the Word of God.
If you are called to fight on behalf of others, be extra careful if they are caught in the very thing that you have been freed from. Don't stop for a visit! Go in, help them to overcome their enemy, and get out! Just remember what Jesus said," Rejoice not that the demons submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."