I received an email the other day entitled "Never Forgive a Traitor!". It had to do with war atrocities from the Vietnam war and subsequent injustice. After reading the email, the thing that kept stirring in my spirit is "Traitors against whom?". Phillipians 3:20 says," But we are citizens of heaven and it is from there that we expect a deliverer, the Lord Jesus the Messiah. He will change the bodies we have in this humble state and make them like his glorious body, using the power which enables him to bring everything under his control."
Do you want the truth? We are all traitors. We are all murderers. We all deserve hell. So back to this question of 'traitors against whom?'.... I believe, based on scripture, that we are all traitors against Almighty God. He reaches out to us in grace and forgiveness and we say," No thanks, I'd rather hang on to my hurt and my junk." I'm not trying to minimize the actions of anybody; I'm actually trying to get us all to see the condition of our hearts. Just because somebody seems blinder than other people, that is simply because they're being judged on a human level. From God's point of view, we're all blind! We're all lost.
You have heard that our fathers were told "Love your neighbor-and hate your enemy" but i tell you love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you ! Then you will become children of your father in heaven. For he makes HIS sun shine on good and bad people alike.
So if we can extract ourselves for a moment from our shallow patriotism to a simple country and elevate our thinking to our citizenship of heaven, the real treason here is unforgiveness, and the crime is against the kingdom of heaven!
Matthew 6:14-15"For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others their offenses, your heavenly father will not forgive yours."
I don't want anyone to think that i am not moved when i hear of all the suffering and evil in the world, i just don't think it's up to us to judge every situation, and come up with our own conclusions, and in the process chain our hearts to this world. I believe it is very much a plan of satan to mask a otherwise "worthy" cause to get many people to be angry and eventually bitter. We are instructed in the word of God to "watch out for the root of bitterness that can spring up and defile many" ultimately God's kingdom is all that will remain when this age is over... we must remember that we are in a spiritual war here, so check what you are hearing by the word of God, in that light you can tell easily where the instructions are coming from . "NEVER FORGIVE A TRAITOR"..."FORGIVE AND YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN" now, which sounds like God? which sound like satan?
The ugly (and beautiful) truth of the matter is that we are all traitors, but Christ himself laid his life down, and now calls us friends if we receive his covering for our treason against a holy God. Be careful my brothers and sisters to not be entangled in the wars of the world. God's war on satan is the greatest struggle to which he calls us to fight. Fight free! "Cast off the sin that so easily ensnares us and run the race set before you , looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning it's shame" His joy can be your joy if you shed the darkness that is holding your heart down and join us in this final war! MARANATA (COME LORD JESUS) !! THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY COME!!!
His blood can make the foulest clean; his blood availed for me!
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