Just to let you know, this is a Part Two to the previous blog called "Magnets, Glue, and Marriage, Too!". I felt it deserved continuation.
Matthew 19:4 says,"Haven't you read that at the beginning, the Creator made them male and female and that he said,'for this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two are to become one flesh?' Thus they are no longer two, but one. So then, no one should split apart what God has joined together."
So let's go back to our example of a magnet:
A magnet represents a married couple; designed to stick together. Suppose you and your spouse decide to go your separate ways. This creates a very fundamental problem (I've never been divorced, but I've observed plenty of divorces among my friends. These are just my thoughts. I hope they don't come across hurtful).
That magnet that has a break in it is only designed to fit perfectly with its other half. It will still stick to anything metallic; it may even stick very strongly, but that perfect fit will never be acheived while being stuck to anything else but it's original other half. When it's God that has joined you together, nobody can improve on His work. There are only varying degrees of how much you mess it up!
Just think for a moment, where would we be if Adam and Eve hadn't resolved that whole 'downfall of man' marital spat in the garden? The first recorded work of the enemy in the garden resulted in a division in the very first marriage! He's still playing that same game today, and he's upped the stakes. The divorce rate is AS high if not higher, in the church. The best way to deal with a snake who's trying to mess up your garden is to crush his head.
"Remember, I have given you authority so you can trample down snakes and scorpions, indeed, all the enemies forces; you will remain completely unharmed." -Luke 10:19
Too many people (Christians I know) think that 'if I leave him (satan) alone, he'll leave me alone!'. FALSE!!!! He's not a bee, he's a snake! By the way, when God cursed Lucifer, he said that he'd eat of the dust of the earth his whole life. WE are made of the dust! So, if you're walking in the flesh, you're giving him plenty to feed on.
Men, especially, it is your job to guard your wife. Satan knows that the woman is the weaker vessel (that's why he went for Eve first). If Adam had been acting as he should have, as her protector, there would have been no deception. He would have dealt with the snake before he had a chance to speak. We're not here to give glory to the devil, but I don't want you to be ignorant of his devices, either.
To let your marriage be fixed by God(after there's been a breakage), you have to intentionally turn away from anything that's drawing you apart from your spouse, forsaking all others. The truth is, you will be attracted to many things around you, and many things will try to draw you away. Only your willingness to be used by God, and his power to fix can ever make things the way they were meant to be.
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